I know, you’re thinking “what happened?” – here’s the deal . . . The last couple of months were a bit rough. I spent the first week of March in the Intensive Care Unit after a car crash (I talked about this a few posts back.) Two weeks after my accident my wife’s mother passed away after a long fight with congestive heart failure. With everything going on, I wasn’t exactly up for blogging. I know, there were a few blog posts about a week after my accident – this was when I wasn’t able to go to work (which was driving me CRAZY!) Truth be told, those blog posts took a very, very long time – the double vision that came with the accident makes it very hard to do anything on a computer. I was finally able to return to work, and as “cool” as it was that my two screens “magically” turned into four screens, trying to work with the double vision also meant daily headaches. Attempting to get caught up after missing more work than I have in the last several years combined has been incredibly taxing. With that said, I just haven’t had it in me to update the blog – tons of ideas have been running through my head, but there just hasn’t been the time (or the energy for that matter.)
My original plan when I started the blog was to recall the events of SolidWorks World 2011, which I still might do (because I still don’t want to believe its over – even though it’s been over for more than 3 months now.) When I first started posting I would spend a considerable amount of time reading and re-reading before uploading – Now it will be much more relaxed and casual. In upcoming posts I plan to look at some of the tools in SolidWorks that make day to day life easier – not necessarily the “glamorous” utilities, but some tips, some tricks, and some of the ones that just made me say “now that was slick.”
I think John Lennon said it best when he said “Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.”