SolidWorks World – Day 0 – Part 2

Was not able to start the update last nifty (due to having a little too much fun at the opening reception – really, really tired from all the standing and walking.). I started writing the blog entry really early this morning, but wasn’t able to finish before heading out for General Session this morning. Decided to take a few minutes between sessions/during a session to do a quick write up.
So . . . What happened on Day 0?
I passed on the CAD managers boot camp (again), I’m no longer able to attend the AE Workshop, and I didn’t get in on any of the discussion sessions, so Jade and I did some wandering around. We started out by getting registered, scouting out some restaurants, speaker check-in, and exploring some of the area resorts. We came back for the opening reception – I helped run the SWUGN booth while Jade acted as a “tour guide” for some friends that are here for the first time. Met a lot of really great people, and saw a bunch of old friends that we only get to see at World. Went straight from the opening reception to the tweet-up, didn’t get to see everyone that we wanted to, because several of our friends were elsewhere watching the football game. (They can run, but they can’t hide – we’ll find them!)
Long day, lot of fun, lot of friends, the learning starts tomorrow . . .

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